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HekaBio K.K.
Medical care/Diagnosis/Medical equipment/Healthcare
Pharmaceutical/Drug Discovery

last update:2022/3/31

Delegates :
Robert E. Claar

Incorporated :
November  14 , 2016

Paid in Capital :
 Million yen  

Employees :
14 members

Address :
Nihonbashi Muromachi Bldg. 8F 3-3-16 Nihonbashihongokucho, Chuo-ku Tokyo TOKYO

+81-3-6205-7585 /


Attachment :

Mission/Background :
HekaBio was established to bring world-leading therapeutic innovations to unmet medical needs in Japan, by the founder of Junicon K.K. and Vorpal Technologies K.K.

HekaBio is an emerging major platform for healthcare innovation, with an initial focus on oncology and radiation therapy.

We invest in breakthrough technology originators and accelerate programs to commercialization in Japan, realizing significant benefit for patients and family members.

Technology & Business
The Problem:
Overseas innovators confront significant barriers to Japan market entry and pitfalls limiting potential when using conventional out-licensing models, resulting in Japan’s gap and lag in available therapies.

Our solution:
To realize our mission "Connecting world leading therapeutic innovations to unmet medical needs in Japan." a unique combination of team composition, business model, and capabilities enable overseas healthcare innovators to optimize their enterprise value by securing control through active partnership.

Products & Service
Products & Service Name
Alpha DaRT
Highly effective and safe alpha-emitter radiation therapy for solid tumor cancers with potential systemic immunogenic benefit.
Completed Japan clinical study


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Alliance strategy

This page is displayed by "Spiral" of PIPED BITS Co.,Ltd., which is a database management ASP service, our contracted partner.