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B-Lab Co., Ltd.
Drug discovery support/Contract service
Agriculture/Forestry/Fisheries/Livestock raising
last update:2024/12/26

Delegates :

Incorporated :
January  6 , 2023

Paid in Capital :
4 Million yen  

Employees :
3 members

Address :
8-9-1,Okamoto,Higashinada-ku,Kobe City HYOGO

080-1983-6396 /


Attachment :

Mission/Background :
B-Lab Co., Ltd., founded in 2023 from Konan University, develops biomimetic chemistry products. Its Functional betaine solution enhances enzyme and microorganism activity, improves solubility, and finds use in diagnostic reagents, composting, and eco-friendly solvents. Their water-soluble beta-1,3-1,6-glucan nanoparticle encapsulates functional ingredients, enabling efficient bioavailability for applications in functional foods, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.

Technology & Business
Functional betaine, inspired by extremophiles' use of betaine for environmental adaptation, exhibits superior hydration compared to natural betaine. Dissolved in water, it modifies the water network structure at low concentrations, enhancing enzyme and nucleic acid activity and stability. At higher concentrations, it dissolves poorly water-soluble substances at high concentrations under ambient conditions. Meanwhile, highly water-soluble beta-glucan, derived from mushroom and seaweed cell walls known for immune-activating effects, is processed into 16nm nanoparticles using food-grade acids and alkalis. This process increases its solubility by over 150 times and enables it to encapsulate functional ingredients, greatly improving their water solubility and intestinal absorption. These properties expand applications in functional foods, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.
Products & Service
Products & Service Name
Functional aqueous betaine solution
The solution solubilize poorly water-soluble substances and, when diluted, enhances the activity and stability of enzymes.

Beta-glucan (powder)
Insoluble dietary fiber, a raw material that can be included in health foods as an intestinal immune-activating component.

Beta-glucan nanoparticles (powder)
Highly water-soluble beta-glucan with water solubility enhanced by over 150 times.

Encapsulated functional ingredient beta-glucan nanoparticles (powder)
A formulation material of beta-glucan nanoparticles encapsulating functional ingredients.


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This page is displayed by "Spiral" of PIPED BITS Co.,Ltd., which is a database management ASP service, our contracted partner.