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OP Bio Factory Co.,Ltd.
Drug discovery support/Contract service
Medical care/Diagnosis/Medical equipment/Healthcare
last update:2017/5/9

Delegates :
Akihiko Kanamoto

Incorporated :
February  23 , 2006

Paid in Capital :
227 Million yen  

Employees :
23 人

Address :
Okinawa Life Science Research Center 107 5-8, Suzaiki, Uruma, Okinawa OKINAWA

+81-98-989-8744 / +81-98-989-8745


Attachment :
【OP_BIO_FACTORY_PRODUCTS】【20141021版】.pdf [ 3.7MiB ]

Mission/Background :
The OP BIO Factory was established as spin-off from a marine survey company, Ocean Planning Corporation in 2006.
Subtropical Okinawa Prefecture is famous for its highest biodiversity in Japan.
We are making various bio-resource collections of Okinawa, and doing research and development for drugs, cosmetics, food, bioremediation, and bioenergy.
We especially excel at sampling under the sea, and have unique collections of marine organisms.

Technology & Business
(Distinct and Divergent Marine Bioresources)
1. Macroorganisms (poriferans, soft corals and other invertebrates; macroalgae)
2. Microbes (actinobacteria, bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, filamentous fungi, and yeast)
3. Microalgae (eukaryotic microalgae and cyanobacteria)
4. Natural compounds derived from marine macro/microorganisms
(Our services and products)
1.Sampling of Marine biological resources
2.Coordination and arrangement for sampling
3.Distribution of bio-resources and compounds
4.Isolation and structural determination of compounds
5.Contracted & collaborative researches
(BSL-2/P2-level experiments, various cell-based assays, etc.)
Would you like to use our bio-resources?
Our experts will help your researches from the sampling of bio- resource to the structural determination of active compounds.
Products & Service
Products & Service Name
Screening Services using Marine Bio Resources
Screening Services using Marine Bio Resources (Marine Macro Organisms, Marine Microbe, Marine Micro Algae)
Provide best services
Distribution of Library of Marine Bio Resources
Construction of Library with high quality

We exchange contracts of collaborative research with many pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic companies, which are not just in Japan but worldwide. For example, we have started to collaborate with TB Alliance for discovering drug candidate for TB.
Hot news

Alliance strategy
OPBIO Factory can suppy your product development.
OPBIO has a highly-skilled and experienced team of professionals with expertise on marine natural product development. We will serve you in sustainable supply of materials, active compounds search, and product development.
We want many companis to be interested in us.

This page is displayed by "Spiral" of PIPED BITS Co.,Ltd., which is a database management ASP service, our contracted partner.