Kyoto University Student Exchange Program 京都大学交換留学プログラム

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Guidelines & Application Forms

The Application procedure for the Kyoto University exchange programs is as follows. Please download "University-wide Student Exchange Program Application Guidelines" and required forms from the above.

(1)Nomination by home university
Nominations must be submitted using the online nomination system by the exchange coordinator at the home university no later than Deadline. Applications will only be considered if the student(s) have been nominated. No direct nominations from students are allowed.

(2)Online Application information
We will send a link to our online application site and its password to the student and the coordinator of home university on a rolling basis after we accept the nomination.

(3)Students complete the online application (Step 1 & Step 2)
Nominated student needs to complete 2 steps in online application, and upload the required documents.

(4)Document submission
Print out the online application pages after completion of the online Step 2. This form must be signed both by the coordinator and the student, and should be uploaded to Kyoto University’s storage along with all the required documents by the Deadline. Only the documents uploaded to the storage through the coordinator are accepted. No direct application from students are allowed.

(5)Post Application
Home Universities will be notified of the acceptance for the nominees and the students will be notified the online system of visa application and housing application by email.

*Please note that the student can make the course registration after s/he arrives at Kyoto University. We will inform the process of the registration at the orientation.

For more details, please check the attached "University-wide Student Exchange Program Application Guidelines".

We look forward to receiving your nomination/application!

With kind regards,
International Education and Student Mobility Division
Kyoto University

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