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This page is displayed by "Spiral" of PIPED BITS Co.,Ltd., which is a database management ASP service, our contracted partner.

Drug discovery support/Contract service
Pharmaceutical/Drug Discovery

last update:2024/12/6

Delegates :
Naoki Tarui

Incorporated :
May   15 , 2017

Paid in Capital :
80 Million yen  

Employees :
6 members

Address :
26-1, 2-Chome, Muraokahigashi, Fujisawa KANAGAWA

+81-466-54-5007 / +81-466-54-5008


Attachment :
SEEDSUPPLY.pdf [ 678.3KiB ]

Mission/Background :
We will contribute to the creation of small molecular drugs using innovative binder selection technology. Compound screening using our technology can cover all targets. As the success rate of small molecular drug discovery research continues to decline, by increasing the number of targets that HTS can be conducted, we would like to pursue the possibilities of small molecule compounds. We will also try to create new drug candidates specialized for targets that conventional HTS cannot handled with. We will actively promote joint research for that.
Our company is a spin-out company from Takeda.

Technology & Business
Our binder selection technology can conduct screening of small molecule compounds for all targets. Our technology is especially useful for targets such as orphan receptors, enzymes of unknown function, some ion channels and transporters which are difficult to develop high throughput assays. Our technology has ability to conduct HTS campaign of hundreds of targets per year. Therefore, our technology can be used not only for screening for individual targets, but also for prioritizing targets by screening results of multiple candidate targets, and for determining promising targets by screening results of multiple targets in a pathway. Since we are constructing a database of binders for specific target classes, we can make effective use. We can use a compound library owned by Takeda.
In addition to screening services for low molecular compounds, we also offer target protein identification services for compounds whose target proteins are unknown using our technology and protein library.

Products & Service
Products & Service Name
Screening service for the creation of low molecular drugs
We provide binders for all targets using innovative binder selection technology.
We would like to utilize our technology for more customers and to disseminate our screening technology.
Target protein identification service of compounds whose target proteins are unknown
We will use this technology to identify binding proteins in a different way with conventional methods.

Anti-tumor drug targeting VDAC1 (voltage-dependent anion channel 1)

We are starting the services of screening and target protein identification.
Hot news
We will exhibit at the Japan Healthcare Venture Summit 2019 (BioJapan 2019). Please come to our booth.
Alliance strategy
We would like to proactively promote the provision of services to foreign companies including ventures.

This page is displayed by "Spiral" of PIPED BITS Co.,Ltd., which is a database management ASP service, our contracted partner.