Delegates :
Motoo Saito |

Incorporated :
November 18 , 2002 |
Paid in Capital :
50 Million yen |
Employees :
7 人 |
Address :
Yokohama Bio Industry Center 1-6 Suehiro-cho Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shi KANAGAWA
+81-45-508-0210 / +81-45-508-0220 |
http://www.MedicalProteoScope.com |
Attachment :
Mission/Background :
MPS commits to contribute in maximizing therapeutic outcome of individual patients, personalized healthcare, by our first-in-class technology platform of clinical proteomics that discovers and then validates promising biomarkers. It is envisioned that the upcoming generation of personalized drugs for targeted and stratified patient treatment will break through in major disease areas such as lifestyle-related cancers, in particular lung cancers that have the highest mortality including a predisposing disorder chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A clinical use of promising protein biomarkers will optimize individual therapeutic strategies by diagnosis, prediction, and prognosis on their disease status and treatments, and will and reduce medical costs by “Right Medication, Right Dose, Right Patient, Right Time, and Right Route for Individual Patients”. |
Technology & Business
Our key-technology is the high performance mass spectrometry-based exploration of biomarker development which utilizes various clinical biospecimen including frozen and archived formalin-fixed tissues, blood, and proximal fluid. One of our innovative platforms is the biomarker development utilizing formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues (or biopsy tissue specimen) followed by selected collection of cells of interest with laser microdissection (LMD).
An establishment of protein biomarker panels from clinical/biological spacemen is our core competence. MPS provides activities below. -\tGlobal / targeted proteomic services for pharmaceutical companies -\tGlobal / targeted proteomic services for research institutes -\tHigh accuracy nano-flowLC-MS, MS/MS proteomic services -\tProteome bioinformatic services of analysis/mining/statistical evaluation for high accuracy nano-flowLC-MS, MS/MS data
Products & Service
Products & Service Name
Drug design research support in clinical proteomics
Protein biomarker discovery from formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue
verification phase
Sep.2011, Human Proteome Organization World Congress (HUPO 2011, Geneva, Swiss) Poster presentation
May 2012, the 60th American Society for Mass Spectrometry Congress (ASMS 2012, Vancouver) Symposium oral presentation
May 2012, American Urological Association, annual meeting (AUA 2012, San Diego) Poster presentation
Alliance strategy
MPS explores scientific and business collaboration utilizing our strength in clinical proteomic development on protein biomarkers and druggable targets.