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PointPath.Biz, K.K.
Drug discovery support/Contract service

last update:2024/9/18

Delegates :
Yutaka Waki

Incorporated :
May   22 , 2008

Paid in Capital :
 Million yen  

Employees :

Address :
#504 2-21-9 Utsukushigaoka Aoba-ku Yokohama-shi KANAGAWA

045-872-7260 /


Attachment :

Mission/Background :
PointPath.Biz, K.K. (PPBIZ) is a pharmaceutical research and development consulting company established in 2008. We provide services to companies ranging from major Japanese pharmaceutical companies to mid-sized pharmaceutical companies and bio-ventures. We also undertake work for overseas pharmaceutical companies.

-Although PPBIZ is based in Japan, we are an organization made up of international team members.
-The scope of PPBIZ's activities extends not only to Japan, but also to the United States, Europe, and some parts of Asia.
-supports clients in establishing overseas development bases or supporting overseas development operations.
-PPBIZ takes pride in our work and provides the high-quality work our clients need to succeed in drug development.
-PPBIZ is an organization that can flexibly respond to everything from small venture companies to large pharmaceutical companies.

Technology & Business
PPBIZ members have been involved in research and development at pharmaceutical companies for many years. We have accumulated experience in various specialized areas. These areas of expertise include synthetic chemistry, bioinformatics, biochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, clinical pharmacology, clinical science, clinical development, regulatory affairs, and intellectual property rights. Many of our members have been involved in international development projects in the United States, Europe, and Japan. PPBIZ works by assembling a dedicated team necessary to accomplish the tasks required by our clients.
Products & Service
Products & Service Name
Drug development
We provide building development strategies, outsourcing development work, and supporting drug approval applications.

Pharmaceutical consulting
Creating added value for developed products and advance development.

Japan pharmaceutical consulting
Japanese drug development support services to overseas clients.

Marketing support
We provide support with planning, and promotion activities related to pharmaceutical sales and marketing.

New business project support
We support clients in Japan and overseas with the processes necessary to commercialize newly developed seeds.


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Alliance strategy

This page is displayed by "Spiral" of PIPED BITS Co.,Ltd., which is a database management ASP service, our contracted partner.