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Premo Partners, Inc.
Medical care/Diagnosis/Medical equipment/Healthcare

last update:2024/6/19

Delegates :
Kumi Sakurai

Incorporated :
July  23 , 2019

Paid in Capital :
2 Million yen  

Employees :
7 人

Address :

+81366612590 / +8136612590


Attachment :

Mission/Background :
Premo Partner utilizes its unique network and our expertise in medical device development to identify needs, nurture ideas until they can stand on their own, and guide them to market. Let’s bring your ideas and technology to the world of medicine without delay. Don't try to solve on your own; reach out to us. With practical experience, we will work diligently, strategically, and professionally. Our co-creation areas include consulting, research, entrepreneur development, agency functions, and fundraising.

Technology & Business
Six Unique Service Features of Premo Partner:
●A team of experts well-versed in the medical device industry
●Support from a business perspective
●Approach based on the biodesign method
●Customized services, either end-to-end or spot solutions, according to the situation
●Support for management resources such as personnel and funding
●DMAH (Designated Marketing Authorization Holder) service

Products & Service
Products & Service Name
Business Strategy

Needs and market research, KOL mapping, expert-entrepreneur matching, post-market sales, marketing support

Regulatory and Insurance Strategy

Regulatory evaluation, PMDA consultation support, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare consultation support, preparation of re

Talent Introduction

Introduction and sharing services for highly skilled personnel such as CXOs and experts

QMS (Quality Management System) Construction

QMS system construction, DMAH

We have a proven track record and numerous inquiries from domestic companies, including large enterprises and startups. Our achievements with overseas companies and academia are also expanding.
Hot news

Alliance strategy
Our strength lies not only in having experienced professionals from medical device companies but also in having members who can provide precise support for the highly regulated development processes of PMDA and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. We cover specialized areas, such as regulatory affairs, insurance, and QMS, as well as strategies and talent introduction for commercializing projects. If your company is considering medical device development, please do not hesitate to consult with us.

This page is displayed by "Spiral" of PIPED BITS Co.,Ltd., which is a database management ASP service, our contracted partner.