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MessengerScape Co., Ltd.
Drug discovery support/Contract service
Medical care/Diagnosis/Medical equipment/Healthcare
Agriculture/Forestry/Fisheries/Livestock raising
last update:2019/6/28

Delegates :

Incorporated :
March  29 , 2002

Paid in Capital :
10 Million yen  

Employees :
1 人

Address :
MG Bldg. 508 3-13-11, Chuo, Nakano-ku, Tokyo TOKYO

+81-3-6908-6775 / +81-3-6908-6758


Attachment :

Mission/Background :
MessengerScape Was founded for the purpose of using HiCEP technology, a Comprehensive transcriptions products profiling technology born in Japan, for outsourcing gene expression analysis applications. Our mission is to offer a high sensitivity gene expression analysis outsoursing service to our clients and providing them with detailed gene analysis of unprecedented detail. This enables great advances in their endeavors, from basic research on any species they desire to safety trials for new drugs.

Technology & Business
*HiCEP for Biomarker Discovery
HiCEP is an AFLP-based transcriptome analyzing method. It is so much more highly reproducible and sensitive compared with nucleotide hybridization-based methods including DNA microarray that it would offer reliable diagnosis marker candidates with lower cost in a short term.
*Discovering and selling of diagnosis biomarkers
HiCEP can find reliable biomarker candidates. Our marker search business is focusing on discovering process of marker candidates and on pursuing their patents in short term.
Products & Service
Products & Service Name
HiCEP for Biomarker Discovery
Gene expression analysis for eucaryote and procaryote.
We offer analysis service for a wide variety of subjects, Green, Biomass, Agricultural biotechnology, Food.
Discovering and selling of diagn
Candidate gene s were obtained form Alzheimer’s disease.
The validation of them is now proceeding.

In HiCEP analysis service more than 100 samples such as human , mouse, deep-sea organism, green alga, insect were analyzed. In diagnosis biomarker discovery, candidate genes were obtained form Alzheimer’s disease, a metastatic breast cancer, and the pancreas cancer, etc. The validation of them is now proceeding.
Hot news

Alliance strategy
We are collaborating with medical schools on validation of the marker candidate genes and looking for the company that commercializes them. Additionally, we require the organization than can validate pancreas cancer marker genes and the enterprise that can fie up in planning of biomarker development.

This page is displayed by "Spiral" of PIPED BITS Co.,Ltd., which is a database management ASP service, our contracted partner.