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Synplogen Co., Ltd.
Drug discovery support/Contract service

last update:2025/1/17

Delegates :
Kazuhiko Yamamoto

Incorporated :
February  21 , 2017

Paid in Capital :
3847 Million yen  Incl. capital reserves

Employees :
40 人

Address :
CLIK4F, 6-3-7 Minatojima-Minamimachi Chuo-ku, Kobe HYOGO



Attachment :

Mission/Background :
Synplogen Co., Ltd. is a synthetic biology startup established in February 2017, originating from Kobe University’s Graduate School of Science, Technology and Innovation. Using our proprietary DNA synthesis technologies "OGAB" and "Combinatorial-OGAB", we provide DNA synthesis and DNA library construction services, and as a biofoundry specializing in gene therapy,“Gene Therapy Biofoundry”, we also provide design, development and analysis services for gene therapy products such as viral vectors and mRNA.

Technology & Business
"OGAB" can be used to synthesize DNA of various lengths over 100 kbp, as well as complex DNA syntheses with features such as high/low GC content and repeat sequences. We also design and construct large and diverse DNA libraries tailored to our clients’ needs using "Combinatorial-OGAB".

We provide "Gene Therapy Biofoundry Services" related to commercializing research for gene therapy products (Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control: CMC). In addition, through collaborations with domestic and overseas development partner companies capable of GMP-compliant manufacturing, we have established an integrated development and manufacturing value chain that will contribute to early entry into clinical trials and early commercialization of innovative gene therapy products.
Products & Service
Products & Service Name
Custom DNA Synthesis Services

Gene Therapy Biofoundry Services


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