Japanese Life Science Startup List

This Japanese Life Science Startup List is edited and managed jointly by Japan Bioindustry Association and NPO Kinki Bio-Industry Development Organization in cooperation with supporting organizations to biocommunities and life science startups of each region in Japan. We aim to promote the creation of business alliance opportunities and help life science startups accelerate their businesses by broadly disseminating information on excellent life science startups in and out of Japan.
-Japan Bioindustry Association(JBA):
JBA’s membership base spans a wide array of corporations that use applications of biotechnology in areas ranging from pharmaceutical and medical supplies, food and cosmetics, as well as chemicals, information, machinery, construction and energy and natural resources. In addition, JBA counts public organizations, universities, public research institutes and a variety of individuals as members. Details are here.
-NPO Kinki Bio-Industry Development Organization(KBDO):
KBDO is a non-profit organization that conducts business such as industrialization support, start-up support, promotion of open innovation, and overseas exchanges in order to connect technology seeds in the bio field to commercialization through the cooperation among industry, academia, and government. Details are here.
JBA and KBDO work as the secretariats of Greater Tokyo Biocommunity (GTB) and Biocommunity Kansai (BiocK), respectively and both are certified by Japanese cabinet office as a "Global Bio-community" that leads the world in the bioindustry field. Both organizations will build a strategic value chain involving various actors from research to commercialization and contribute to the development of the bioindustry.

Company Name
Field / Business
41 - 50 / 203
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Products & Service
Company Name Area 1 2 3 4 5
U-Medico Inc. OSAKA Aggregation analysis of biopharmaceuticals Structural analysis of biopharmaceuticals Formulation development of biopharmaceuticals Stability testing of biopharmaceuticals Biopharmaceutical consulting services
AlphaNavi Pharma Inc. OSAKA ANP-230 ANP-231 ANP-390
Luxna Biotech Co.,Ltd. OSAKA Technology alliance: XNAs Technology (AmNA, scpBNA, GuNA, 5’-CP) Collaborative research using proprietary technologies: LuxnaAP Pipeline: Spinal Cord Injury: SCI Pipe line: Drug-induced hearing loss
Tanso Biosciences, Inc. TOKYO Comprehensive functional assay for >300 human GPCRs
Research Laboratory of Materials & Equipment for Oral Health Care, Inc. KANAGAWA To provide various unfired apatite Acrylic resin for 3D printing Research and development consulting OEM supply of fast curing acrylic resin
SleepWell Co., Ltd. OSAKA
Allied Flow Inc. HYOGO Research Cell Sorter FENIX RUO Cell Manufacturing Cell Sorter FENIX CLB Automatic Cap Opener CAPPNER
Premo Partners, Inc. TOKYO Business Strategy Regulatory and Insurance Strategy Talent Introduction QMS (Quality Management System) Construction
Seed Bank KYOTO
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※Japanese Life Science Startup List is managed jointly by Japan Bioindustry Association and Kinki Bio-Industry Development Organization. Japan Bioindustry Association is responsible for the retention and storage of the data.
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