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AutoPhagyGO Inc.
Medical care/Diagnosis/Medical equipment/Healthcare

last update:2024/8/13

Delegates :
Miwako Ishido

Incorporated :
June  10 , 2019

Paid in Capital :
10 Million yen  

Employees :
7 人

Address :
Osaka University Techno Alliance Building C 2-8 Yamadaoka, Suita City, Osaka Prefecture OSAKA

05053624660 /


Attachment :

Mission/Background :
AutoPhagyGO Inc., a start-up from Osaka University, leverages Professor Yoshimori's research on autophagy to control the process of decomposing and regenerating intracellular components. The company aims to prevent and treat aging-related diseases, contributing to healthy longevity. As aging becomes a major social issue in developed countries, AutoPhagyGO sees aging as a universal risk factor for all diseases and seeks to reduce the risk of developing geriatric syndromes.

Technology & Business
Pharmaceutical Business
Autophagy is increasingly recognized as a core mechanism of aging, with potential for treating aging-related diseases. Our company has developed new compounds that strongly enhance autophagy activity, with efficacy and initial safety confirmed in mice. We are conducting joint research with academia to apply these compounds to kidney diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, autoimmune diseases, and more.
Collaborative Research Business
We are expanding autophagy activity measurement from cells to mice and humans, enabling various efficacy verifications and advancing industrial applications.
In-House Product Sales Business
We develop and sell supplements and cosmetic ingredients that enhance autophagy.

Products & Service
Products & Service Name
Drug discovery: Development of autophagy activators
Development of therapeutic drugs by increasing autophagy activity
Acquisition of joint development company
Autophagy activity measurement service
Service for measuring the effect of enhancing autophagy activity in cells
Customer acquisition/overseas market development
Autophagy activity measurement service in mice
Measuring service for the effect of enhancing autophagy activity in mice
Customer acquisition (before launch, research has been completed and the service is currently being launched)
Autophagy activity measurement service in humans
Developing autophagy activity measurement in humans for clinical trials, diagnostic kits, etc.
Clinical trial implementation
Functional food ingredients
Sales of functional food ingredients with the ability to enhance autophagy activity
Stable supply and quality control of raw materials
November 2023, 5th Healthcare Venture Award, Academic Prize
February 2024, 11th Kyoshin - Regional Entrepreneur Award, Excellence Prize
Application to XPRIZE Healthspan:
XPRIZE Healthspan is a global competition with a total prize of $101 million over seven years, aiming to revolutionize approaches to human aging and extend healthy lifespans by 10-20 years. Our company will leverage our autophagy technology, knowledge, and international academic network to aim for victory.

Hot news

Alliance strategy
We seek companies in these areas:
Pharmaceutical Business: Pharmaceutical companies for collaboration on autophagy drug development.
Collaborative Research Business: Pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic companies needing autophagy activity measurement. Companies to help scale up human autophagy activity measurement.
In-House Product Sales Business: Companies interested in developing foods, supplements, and cosmetics using our autophagy-activating materials.

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