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Research Laboratory of Materials & Equipment for Oral Health Care, Inc.
Medical care/Diagnosis/Medical equipment/Healthcare

last update:2024/7/3

Delegates :
Kazuo Hirota

Incorporated :
November  19 , 2014

Paid in Capital :
10 Million yen  

Employees :
1 人

Address :
Minamiwatarida-cho 1-1 THINK KEIHIN 2F, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-si KANAGAWA

81-90-8502-8227 / 81-3-3777-7174


Attachment :

Mission/Background :
We support the research and development of all oral materials (dental materials, oral care products, etc.) used in the mouth that contribute to human health. We also offer consultation on research and development of general apatite materials and acrylic resin. Please do not hesitate to contact us for consulting or R & D assistance.

Technology & Business
We have experience in developing general dental materials, dentifrice, mouthwash, etc. We can conduct research and development consulting focusing on these oral materials. We can also discuss OEM supply. With regard to dental materials, we can provide extensive research and development consulting for restorative materials, luting materials, adhesives and temporary sealing materials etc.
We can also provide OEM supplies of general acrylic resin materials. We can also do consulting services for related 3D printing acrylic resins and quick curing acrylic resins.
We can also synthesize hydroxyapatite, which is an inorganic component of teeth, fluoroapatite, carbonate apatite, etc., at room temperature, and provide apatite materials for research with various particle sizes and composition ratios. For hydroxyapatite, we can provide powder of quasi-pharmaceutical raw material grade. We are also able to provide consulting on synthesis methods and surface treatment with apatite at room temperature.
Products & Service
Products & Service Name
To provide various unfired apatite
To provide hydroxyapatite, carbonate apatite and fluoroapatite synthesized at room temperature.
Material supply
Acrylic resin for 3D printing
Supply of various 3DP acrylic resins
Application development
Research and development consulting
Consulting for R & D
Customer acquisition.
OEM supply of fast curing acrylic resin
OEM supply of quick curing acrylic resin
Customer acquisition.

In Japanese Soc. of Oral Health held in May 2024, we presented the in vitro sterilization of oral bacteria by ultraviolet ray (222 nm) irradiation. We are also interested in killing bacteria for causing oral disease.
Hot news

Alliance strategy
We would like to consult on research and development of dental materials, preventive materials, oral hygiene materials, etc. We also offer consultations on joint development and OEM supply of 3D printing acrylic resin and various apatite materials.

This page is displayed by "Spiral" of PIPED BITS Co.,Ltd., which is a database management ASP service, our contracted partner.