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BeCellBar LLC
Drug discovery support/Contract service
Pharmaceutical/Drug Discovery
last update:2018/8/21

Delegates :
Takeshi Tenno

Incorporated :
November  21 , 2017

Paid in Capital :
4 Million yen  

Employees :
3 人

Address :
Incubation Facility, Nagoya University 1 Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya AICHI

+81-52-559-4350 /


Attachment :
BeCellBar_E.pdf [ 1.4MiB ]

Mission/Background :
BeCellBar, LLC is a start-up company established in Nagoya University in November 2017. Our motivation is a development of the painless and effective delivery system for mid-size drugs without using injection needle by using our “tight junction mitigation-closure” technology.
Tight junction (TJ) is a cell barrier that blocks xenobiotic invasion, while it also prevents the administration of drugs whose molecular weight are more than 500. For the administration such drugs, injection needle or intravenous infusion are used to penetrate the TJ mechanically. However, drug combination of these drugs and our compounds could accelerate their permeation through mildly mitigation of TJ. These combinatory drugs could decrease drug administration by using injection needles and provide each benefit among patients, medical staff, pharmaceutical companies, and nations. BeCellBar hopes ”Needleless makes everyone happy!” and develops our technologies toward the health care of no injection needle.

Technology & Business
Our technical concept is the hypothesis of “Dynamic equilibrium of tight junction”, which continue formation and internalization of tight junction. Two interactions of claudins with ZO-1 or LNX1 give rise to this dynamic equilibrium. The interaction of claudin with ZO-1 form TJ, while the interaction of claudin with LNX1 mitigate TJ. We identified small molecules which inhibits above interactions and functions as TJ closers or mitigators.
When our mitigators exposed Caco-2 cells, which use as a model of intestinal tract, their barrier function was mildly decrease and permeability of peptide or protein up to 30 kDa was increased 1.2 to 2 times. Interestingly, compound dilution restored the barrier function spontaneously, moreover, exposure of our closers accelerated the restoration.
We provide screening services for client seeds including compound library and extracts from biological product by using our expertise in identification of TJ modulators.

Products & Service
Products & Service Name
Screening services of tight junction modulators
Screening services for client seeds including compound library and extracts from biological products
find customers
tight junction mitigator
Collaboration for the application of tight junction mitigator
POC using animal model
tight junction closer
Collaboration for the application of tight junction closer
POC using animal model

We prepare patent application of TJ mitigators which include extracts from biological products and drugs.
Hot news

Alliance strategy
DDS development of mid-sized drug
Application of TJ closers
Application for cosmetics

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